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Desiccation Tolerance and Potential Longevity of Developing Seeds of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Authors:Ellis, R. H.   Hong, T. D.
Affiliation:Department of Agriculture, University of Reading, Earley Gate, P.O. Box 236, Reading RG6 2AT, UK
Abstract:The longevity and desiccation tolerance of samples of seedsof a japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) harvested serially duringdevelopment from plants grown in two temperature regimes, viz28/20 °C and 32/24 °C (12/12 h) were determined. Massmaturity (defined as the end of the seed-filling phase) occurred19·7 and 18·3 d after 50% anthesis, respectively.Longevity (determined at 40 °C with 15% moisture contentand quantified by the value of the constant Ki of the seed viabilityequation) improved during seed development and maturation until17 and 14 d after mass maturity in the cooler and warmer regimes,respectively, but declined thereafter. Changes in Ki with timewere similar in the two environments until mass maturity, butthe increase in Ki values after mass maturity was much greaterin the cooler regime. Tolerance of desiccation to low (4%) moisturecontents improved until 22 and 14 d after mass maturity in thecooler and warmer regimes, respectively, when maturation dryinghad reduced seed moisture contents naturally to 24 and 32% moisturecontent, respectively. Further delays to seed harvest reduceddesiccation tolerance, particularly in the warmer environment.Comparison among 15 samples of seeds harvested at differenttimes in the two environments showed a strong correlation (r= 0·947, P < 0·01) between longevity (Ki) anddesiccation tolerance (to 4% moisture content). Hence, it issuggested that the regulation of desiccation tolerance to lowmoisture contents and potential air-dry longevity during seeddevelopment and maturation determined here may have a commoncause.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Oryza sativa L., rice, desiccation tolerance, genebanks, seed development, seed longevity, temperature
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