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The role of sensory input in motor neuron sprouting control
Authors:Cuppini R  Ambrogini P  Sartini S  Bruno C  Lattanzi D  Rocchi M B L
Affiliation:Istituto di Scienze Fisiologiche, Università degli Studi di Urbino, I-61029 Urbino, Italy. rcuppini@uniurb.it
Abstract:Primary sensory neurons project to motor neurons directly or through interneurons and affect their activity. In our previous paper we showed that intramuscular sprouting can be affected by changing the sensory synaptic input to motor neurons. In this work, motor axon sprouting within a peripheral nerve (extramuscular sprouting) was induced by nerve injury at such a distance from muscle so as not to allow nerve-muscle trophic interactions. Two different procedures were carried out: (1) sciatic nerve crush and (2) sciatic nerve crush with homosegmental ipsilateral L3-L5 dorsal rhizotomy. The number of regenerating motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle was determined by in vivo muscle tension recordings and an index of their individual conduction rate was obtained by in vitro intracellular recordings of excitatory postsynaptic end-plate potentials in muscle fibers. The main findings were: (1) there are more regenerated axons distally from the lesion than parent axons proximally to the lesion (sprouting at the lesion); (2) sprouting at the lesion was negatively affected by homosegmental ipsilateral dorsal rhizotomy; (3) the number of motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle extrafusal fibers counted proximally to the lesion increased following nerve injury and regeneration but this did not occur when sensory input was lost. A transient innervation of extrafusal fibers by gamma motor neurons may explain the increase of motor axons counted proximally to the lesion.
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