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Laccase2 is required for cuticular pigmentation in stinkbugs
Authors:Futahashi Ryo  Tanaka Kohjiro  Matsuura Yu  Tanahashi Masahiko  Kikuchi Yoshitomo  Fukatsu Takema
Affiliation:a National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8566, Japan
b Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8572, Japan
c National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Sapporo 062-8517, Japan
Abstract:During the maturation of insect cuticle, protein-protein and protein-chitin crosslinkages are formed by the action of diphenoloxidases. Two types of diphenoloxidases, laccases and tyrosinases, are present in the insect cuticle. In coleopteran and hymenopteran insects, laccase2 gene has been identified as encoding an enzyme principally responsible for cuticular pigmentation and hardening, whereas biological roles of laccase genes in hemimetabolous insects remain to be established. Here we identified laccase2 genes from three hemipteran stinkbugs, Riptortus pedestris (Alydidae), Nysius plebeius (Lygaeidae) and Megacopta punctatissima (Plataspidae). In R. pedestris, laccase2 gene was highly expressed in epidermal tissues prior to molting. When the gene expression was suppressed by an RNA interference technique, cuticular pigmentation after molting were blocked depending on the dose of injected double-stranded RNA targeting the laccase2 gene. Similar results were obtained for N. plebeius and M. punctatissima. In all the stinkbug species, injecting 20 ng of double-stranded RNA was sufficient to prevent the cuticular maturation. These results indicate that laccase2 gene is generally required for cuticular pigmentation in different stinkbug families, highlighting its conserved biological function across diverse insect taxa.
Keywords:Laccase2   Cuticle   Stinkbug   Riptortus pedestris   Nysius plebeius   Megacopta punctatissima
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