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引用本文:任海, 彭少麟,. 大叶相思的生态生物学特征[J]. 广西植物, 1998, 18(2): 146-152
作者姓名:任海   彭少麟  
摘    要:通过对大叶相思的生态生物学特征研究表明:大叶相思在我国热带、南亚热带各种类型土壤上及水土流失地区均能正常生长,冬季的低温是其主要限制因子;大叶相思叶片的光合速率高,纯林的垂直结构合理,生产力高,可以作为速生丰产林加以推广;在营造大叶相思混交林时,需注意其喜阳性和根系浅的特性;大叶相思林的根瘤生物量大,固氮力强,凋落物多,且营养元素的循环快,具有较好的改良土壤结构、提高土壤肥力和保持水土的作用;虽然大叶相思树干的生物量高,但其干形差,用材率不高,需加强修枝和直干形种类的研究和推广。

关 键 词:大叶相思;生态学特征;生物学特征

The ecological and biological characteristics of Acacia auriculaeformis
Abstract:The biological and ecological characteristics of Acacia auriculaeformis were studied over 20 years at Xiaoliang and Heshan Station, Guangdong, ChinaThe results showed thatAcacia auriculaeformis was a quickly and widely adaptive species, it could be planted in tropical and lower-subtropical zoneBecause of high photosynthesis rate and rational vertical structure, the productivity of the forest was highThe nodule biomass, the amount of litterfall and nitrogen fixation of the forest were high, the nutrient element cycling was quickly, which help to increase the fertility of soil and protected soil.
Keywords:The biological characteristics  the ecological characteristics  Acacia auriculaeformis
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