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Oxygen-exchange studies on the pathways for magnesium adenosine 5'-triphosphate hydrolysis by actomyosin
Authors:K K Shukla  H M Levy  F Ramirez  J F Marecek  B McKeever  S S Margossian
Abstract:At an intermediate stage in the hydrolysis of magnesium adenosine 5'-phosphate (MgATP) by myosin or actomyosin, there is an exchange of oxygen between water and the P gamma group of enzyme-bound nucleotide. Starting with [P gamma-18O]ATP as substrate, the exchange is revealed in the [18O]Pi species that are ultimately released as product into the reaction medium. An analysis of the distribution of these labeled Pi species, which contain 3, 2, 1, or none of the 18O atoms originally on the P gamma of ATP, is used to probe intermediate stages of the hydrolytic mechanism. In recent years, studies of this kind by several groups have shown that more than one pathway of hydrolysis operates. The work reported here demonstrates that two of these pathways are spurious; one is a "nonexchanging MgATPase" that is present in fresh myosin preparations; the other is an induced slow exchange that develops in myosin during storage (-20 degrees C) and subsequent aging (4 degrees C). However, after correction for these artifacts, two normal pathways for actomyosin hydrolysis remain. These normal pathways differ in the mode of interaction between actin and myosin in the course of hydrolysis; one is the Lymn-Taylor pathway where oxygen exchange occurs at a stage when actin and myosin are dissociated; the other is a pathway in which actin and myosin are associated during oxygen exchange. Each of these two pathways contributes an equal amount of Pi to the product pool. Thus, on average, each myosin head uses each of these pathways half the time. The findings suggest, e.g., that during contraction, myosin can dissociate from the actin filament only during every other cycle of MgATP hydrolysis or that only half the heads, at any one time, can exchange oxygen while free of the actin filament.
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