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Proton resonance assignments of horse ferricytochrome c
Authors:Y Feng  H Roder  S W Englander  A J Wand  D L Di Stefano
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104.
Abstract:Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (2D NMR) was used to obtain extensive resonance assignments in the 1H NMR spectrum of horse ferricytochrome c. Assignments were made for the main-chain and C beta protons of 102 residues (all except Pro-44 and Gly-84) and the majority of side-chain protons. As starting points for the assignment of the oxidized protein, a limited set of protons was initially assigned by use of 2D NMR magnetization transfer methods to correlate resonances in the oxidized form with assigned resonances in the reduced form [Wand, A. J., Di Stefano, D. L., Feng, Y., Roder, H., & Englander, S. W. (1989) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)]. Given the complexity of the spectrum due to the size of this protein (104 residues) and its paramagnetic center, the initial search for side-chain spin systems in J-correlated spectra was successful only for the simplest side chains, but the majority of NH-C alpha H-C beta H subspin systems (NAB sets) could be identified at this stage. The subsequent search for sequential NOE connectivities focused on NAB sets, with use of previously assigned residues to place NOE-connected segments within the amino acid sequence. Selective proton labeling of either the slowly or the rapidly exchanging amide sites was used to simplify the spectra, and systematic work at two temperatures was used to resolve ambiguities in the 2D NMR spectra. These approaches, together with the use of magnetization transfer methods to correlate reduced and oxidized cytochrome c spectra, provide multiple cross-checks to verify assignments.
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