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Mesozooplankton assemblages in the shallow Arctic Laptev Sea in summer 1993 and autumn 1995
Authors:Silke Lischka  Katrin Knickmeier  Wilhelm Hagen
Affiliation:Institute for Polar Ecology, Kiel University, Wischhofstrasse 1–3, Geb. 12, 24148 Kiel, Germany e-mail: slischka@ipoe.uni-kiel.de, DE
Marine Zoology (FB 2), Bremen University (NW 2A), P.O. Box 330 440, 28344 Bremen, Germany, DE
Abstract:Mesozooplankton distribution and composition in the very shallow part of the Siberian Laptev Sea shelf were studied during the German-Russian expeditions “Transdrift I” (August/September 1993) and “Transdrift III” (October 1995). Maximum abundances were found close to the outflow of the Lena River (7,965 ind. m−3) and in the Yana river mouth (38,163 ind. m−3). Lowest abundances occurred in the northeast and west of the Laptev Sea (64–95 ind. m−3). Highest biomass values (104–146 mg DM m−3) were determined in the northern and northeastern part of the shallow Laptev Sea, as well as close to the river outflows, with a record biomass maximum in the Yana river mouth (270 mg DM m−3). Biomass minima were situated north of the Lena Delta and in the western part of the shallow Laptev Sea (0.3–1.0 mg DM m−3). Copepods dominated in terms of abundance and biomass. Cluster analyses separated four mesozooplankton assemblages: the assemblage “Lena/Yana” in the southern part, “Eastern-central” in the centre, “Kotelnyy” in the eastern part and “Taimyr” in the western part of the shallow Laptev Sea. The small-sized neritic and brackish-water copepods Drepanopus bungei, Limnocalanus grimaldii and Pseudocalanus major occurred in enormous numbers and made up the bulk of zooplankton abundance and biomass in the very shallow part of the Laptev Sea close to the rivers Lena and Yana. In the more northern and northeastern areas, Calanus glacialis, P. minutus and P. major were dominant copepod species, whereas Oithona similis and Acartia sp. became important in the western Laptev Sea. Appendicularians, as well as hydromedusae and the chaetognath Sagitta sp., contributed significantly to abundance and biomass, respectively, but not over the entire area studied. One can identify taxon-specific distribution patterns (e.g. Sagitta predominated the biomass in a zone between the area heavily influenced by Lena/Yana and the offshore area to the north), which differ from the patterns revealed by cluster analysis. Hydrographic features, especially the enormous freshwater inflow, apparently determine the occurrence and formation of zooplankton aggregations. Extremely high numbers of small-sized neritic and brackish-water copepods occurred locally, which were probably also supported by excellent feeding conditions.
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