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Biochemical studies on biogenesis of mitochondria in wounded sweet potato root tissue II. Active synthesis of membrane-bound protein of mitochondria
Affiliation:Laboratory of Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University Chikusa, Nagoya, Japan
Abstract:Mitochondrial protein from sweet potato root tissue was fractionatedinto soluble and membrane-bound protein fractions. Membrane-boundprotein was further divided into structural, heme and bile salt-insolubleproteins. The increase in each protein component was investigatedduringaging of sliced tissue Proteins other than bile salt-insoluble protein were synthesizedduring an early stage of aging. A large amount of bile salt-insolubleprotein was synthesized after a lag phase lasting about 8 hrafter slicing Synthesis of soluble, structural and heme proteins was suppressedby bodi chloramphenicol and cycloheximide. However, synthesisof bile salt-insoluble protein was inhibited by cycloheximidebut not by chloramphenicol (Received December 22, 1970; )
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