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Habitat-Specific Nitrogen Dynamics in New Zealand Streams Containing Native or Invasive Fish
Authors:K. S.?SimonEmail author  C. R.?Townsend  B. J. F.?Biggs  W. B.?Bowden  R. D.?Frew
Affiliation:(1) Department of Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand;(2) National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Christchurch, New Zealand;(3) Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand;(4) Department of Chemistry, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand;(5) Present address: Department of Biology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virgina 22807, USA;(6) Present address: George D. Aiken Center, School of Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405, USA
Abstract:Streams are important sites of nutrient transport and transformation in the landscape but little is known about the way in which individual taxa or individual habitats (riffles and pools) influence nutrient dynamics within stream reaches. We used 5-week additions of a stable isotope (15NH4Cl) tracer to investigate nitrogen dynamics in pools and riffles of two New Zealand streams, one with native fish (Galaxias depressiceps) and the other with invasive brown trout (Salmo trutta). In New Zealand, brown trout initiate a trophic cascade leading to increased algal biomass that we predicted would lead to higher N uptake and retention. Uptake of NO3, but not ammonium, was greater in the trout stream. Rather than causing a large increase in N demand, trout may induce a reallocation of N uptake and retention among food web compartments in different habitats. The largest differences between streams were apparent in riffles, where most uptake and retention of N occurred. In the trout stream, uptake rate by epilithon in riffles was more than six times greater than uptake rates of any other compartment. In the Galaxias stream, several compartments in both habitats had similar uptake rates. Epilithon also accounted for a larger percentage of the 15N retained in the study reach in the trout stream (51%) than the Galaxias stream (34%). Our results show that an individual predatory taxon (in our case an invader) can influence N dynamics in streams but that the magnitude and location of the impact depend on a range of abiotic and biotic factors involved in N dynamics in streams.
Keywords:stable isotope  tracer  15N  trophic cascade  pool  riffle  trout  Salmo  Galaxias  ammonium
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