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Adjustment of foliage structure and function to a canopy light gradient in two co-existing deciduous trees. Variability in leaf inclination angles in relation to petiole morphology
Authors:Ülo Niinemets
Affiliation:(1) Estonian Institute of Ecology, Riia 181, Tartu EE 2400, Estonia, Fax: 00372-7-383013; e-mail: ylo@zbi.ee, EE
Abstract: Foliar inclination angles, petiole morphology and dry matter partitioning between assimilative and support biomass were studied in shade-intolerant Populus tremula L. and shade-tolerant Tilia cordata Mill. along a natural light gradient across the canopy. The leaves of sub-canopy species T. cordata were on average exposed to lower irradiances, and they were also more horizontal with greater blade inclination angles (ϕB, defined as the angle between the leaf fall-line and the horizon; ϕB was positive for the leaves inclined upwards, and negative for the leaves inclined downwards) than those in P. tremula. Seasonal average daily integrated quantum flux density (Q int, mol m–2 day–1) and ϕB were not related in T. cordata, and only a weak negative effect of Q int on ϕB was detected in P. tremula. Nevertheless, when both species were pooled, there was a strong negative relationship between Q int and ϕB, implying that the leaves became progressively vertical with increasing height in the canopy. Interspecific differences in foliage inclination were mainly related to petiole morphology, in particular to petiole length, rather than to contrasting biomass investment patterns between assimilative and support tissues within the leaf. It was suggested that more horizontal leaves, resulting from the species-specific structure of petioles, partly explain the superior performance of shade-tolerant T. cordata in the understory and the sub-canopy. Received: 13 November 1997 / Accepted: 6 March 1998
Keywords:  Acclimation  Canopy architecture  Light interception  Populus tremula  Tilia cordata
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