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Reproductive cycles in oregon populations of the echlnoid, Strongylocentrotvs purpuratus (Stimpson). I. Annual gonad growth and ovarian gametogenic cycles
Authors:Jefferson J Gonor
Institution:School of Oceanography and Marine Science Center, Oregon State University, Newport, Oregon, U.S.A.
Abstract:Four annual reproductive cycles were followed in the echinoid, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Stimpson), at three places on the central Oregon coast near 44°45′N lat., where intermittent upwelling depresses coastal sea temperatures from June through September. Monthly measurements were made of the gonad index of samples of 30 urchins and the relative frequency of five stages in oogenesis were determined from sectioned ovaries from these samples.Individuals in these populations are synchronous in their annual cycle of gonad growth, oogenesis, and spawning, the latter taking place between late December and March. The population usually undergoes one major, complete spawning within a period of 30 days. When large reserves of stored nutrients are present, ova continue to mature over a longer period and may be present in quantity from December into April. Gonad weight does not change significantly from March through June. From July through November the gonad undergoes its annual growth at a mean instantaneous relative growth rate of ≈ 1 % per day. Gonad growth is not significantly correlated with sea temperature. Variable temperatures resulting from upwelling do not result in erratic fluctuations in the reproductive cycle, probably because of the annual change in feeding rate, the seasonal shift in energy utilization, and the constancy of the amount of food assimilated during gonad growth. Gonad size and annual growth rates may differ significantly between years and locations, indicating that both are influenced by local environmental factors, probably food availability and degree of wave action.The frequency of oogonial clusters is least in mid-winter, increases after spawning, reaches an annual maximum in June and declines in the fall. Primary oocyte growth is very slow until October, when it increases abruptly, and some oocytes become ova as early as late October. When stored nutrients are low, many oocytes do not complete growth by January, and are not spawned until May. Prolongation of the spawning period delays the increase in frequency of oogonial clusters in the following new cycle. The timing of the annual increase in oogonial cluster frequency and of the onset of rapid oocyte growth did not otherwise vary between places and years. In these populations, entrainment or synchronization of the reproductive cycle to seasonal environmental events probably occurs at the beginning of one or all of these critical annual events: oogonial proliferation, annual gonad growth and rapid oocyte growth.
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