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The use of an improved transposon mutagenesis system for DNA sequencing leads to the characterization of a new insertion sequence of Streptomyces lividans 66
Authors:Joachim Fischer   Holger Maier   Petra Viell  Josef Altenbuchner  

Institut für Industrielle Genetik, Allmandring 31, 70569, Stuttgart, Germany

Abstract:A DNA sequencing strategy was developed based on the tetracycline resistance transposon Tn1721. A universal M13 primer binding site (UP) for DNA sequencing and restriction sites for mapping were inserted near one end of Tn1721 and the new derivative, Tn5491, introduced onto a conjugative F' plasmid. The target sequence is inserted between two inverted resolution sites (res) of Tn1721 present on the high-copy plasmid pJOE2114. Due to the inviability of long palindromic sequences in Escherichia coli insertions between the inversely orientated res sites of pJOE2114 are positively selected. Transposition of Tn5491 into the target sequence is selected by cointegrate formation of Tn5491 during transposition, mating and transfer of the nonconjugative sequencing vector. After cointegrate resolution, the additional res sites in the vector result in a second site-specific recombination removing most of the transposon (except of 136 bp) and part of the target sequence. The reduced plasmid sizes and the use of the universal primer improved the quality of the sequencing results obtained on an automated fluorescent sequencer. A 3.35-kb EcoRI fragment from the 30-kb terminal inverted repeats (TIR) of the Streptomyces lividans chromosome was sequenced by this method. A 1304-bp sequence was found on this fragment with the features of insertion elements. The element called IS1372 had 27-bp IR and two potential open reading frames. The predicted gene products had similar sizes and high similarity to gene products encoded by insertion sequences of the IS3 family. Furthermore, a potential signal stimulating ribosomal shifts and typical for members of the IS3 family was identified. Five to seven copies of IS1372 were found in different strains of S. lividans but none in other Streptomyces species tested
Keywords:Cointegrate   Genetic instability   Insertion element   IS3 family   Site-specific recombination   Transposition   Terminal inverted repeats
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