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Diagnostic parameters for selecting against novel spruce (Picea abies) decline: III. Response of photosynthesis and transpiration to O3 exposures
Authors:Henrik Saxe  N. S. Murali
Affiliation:Dept of Plant Physiology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural Univ., Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark;Dept of Zoology, Research Center for Plant Protection, Lottenborgvej 2, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark.
Abstract:The dose- and time-response effects of single 4 h day-time exposures of 0.064, 0.166, 0.336, 0.452 or 0.693 μl l?1 (ppm) O3 followed by single 4 h night-time exposures of 0.078, 0.198, 0.378, 0.502 or 0.747 μl l?1 O3 on photosynthesis, transpiration and dark respiration were examined for nine Carpatho-Ukrainian (‘Rachovo’) half-sib families and for two populations. ‘Westerhof’ from the FRG and ‘Schmiedefeld’ from the GDR, of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.], all in their 4th growing season. Needles were scorched by 4 h exposures to 0.336 μl l?1 O3 and higher. The lag before photosynthesis and transpiration responded significantly to O3 decline took from a few minutes at the highest concentration to several hours at the lower concentrations. Recovery of photosynthesis and transpiration was absent or extremely slow. Photosynthesis of the different spruce types was affected significantly differently, the most sensitive spruce having its photosynthesis suppressed 1.9 times and its transpiration 1.6 times more than the most tolerant spruce. The physiological responses of ‘Westerhof’ were less sensitive than the average ‘Rachovo’ half-sibs. Neither night transpiration nor dark respiration were affected by high doses of night O3, preceded by day O3 exposures. The gradients of different photosynthesis and transpiration sensitivities of the young half-sibs (and ‘Westerhof’) demonstrated a significant, positive, mutual correlation, and significant positive correlations with the gradient of novel decline symptoms of their parents growing in Danish forests. The relative photosynthesis and transpiration sensitivities may thus serve as diagnostic parameters in laboratory tests for selection against novel spruce decline.
Keywords:Dark respiration    linear dose-response    needle yellowing    night transpiration    Norway spruce    ozone    Picea abies
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