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Influence of hormonal therapy on growth rate and bone age progression in patients with Turner syndrome
Authors:Gawlik Aneta  Gawlik Tomasz  Koehler Brygida  Malecka-Tendera Ewa  Augustyn Maria  Woska William
Affiliation:Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Silesian University School of Medicine, Katowice, Poland. agawlik@mp.pl
Abstract:The efficacy of growth promoting hormonal therapy is assessed on the basis of growth rate as well as bone age progression until the patients reach their final height. The aim of our study was to investigate which hormonal therapy influences in most appropriate way height velocity and bone age progression in patients with Turner syndrome (TS) and to establish the optimal age to initiate treatment. Patients were divided into five groups according to the type of hormonal therapy: 1) 11 patients treated with growth hormone (GH); 2) 18 patients treated with GH and oxandrolone (Ox); 3) 7 patients treated with GH, Ox and estrogens (E); 4) 6 patients treated with OX and E; and the control group (Group 0) of 62 untreated patients. The patients height was expressed in hSDS calculated on the basis of growth chart for patients with TS (hSDST). Bone age (BA) was assessed according to Greulich-Pyle method. Results: The mean values of deltahSDST in the first and second year of therapy in individual groups were significantly different. The difference resulted from significantly higher value of deltahSDST in group treated with GH+Ox. Analysis of regression between deltaCA and deltaBA revealed regression coefficients alpha of equation deltaBA= alpha x deltaCA: in group 0: 0.817; group GH: 1.233; group GH+Ox: 0.861; group GH+Ox+E: 0.997; group Ox+E: 1.141. There was significant difference between regression coefficients in studied groups. It resulted from significantly higher value of alpha in group treated with GH than in a group 0 and treated with GH+Ox. Only group treated with GH+Ox showed a significant negative correlation between baseline CA and deltaBA during the therapy. We can conclude that all regimens of hormonal therapy improved height in our patients but the highest increase of height during the therapy and the smallest progression of the bone age in the same time were observed in patients treated with GH+Ox.
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