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Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Developing Seeds of Soybean
Authors:Ilarslan, H.   Palmer, R. G.   Horner, H. T.
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Ankara University, Ankara, Tandogan, 06100, Turkey USDA ARS CICGR and Departments of Agronomy and of Zoology/Genetics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011-1010, USA Department of Botany and Bessey Microscopy Facility, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011-1020, USA
Abstract:Young developing soybean seeds contain relatively large amountsof calcium oxalate (CaOx) monohydrate crystals. A test for Caand CaOx indicated that Ca deposits and crystals initially occurredin the funiculus, where a single vascular bundle enters theseed. Crystals formed in the integuments until the embryo enlargedenough to crush the inner portion of the inner integument. Crystalsthen appeared in the developing cotyledon tissues and embryoaxis. All crystals formed in cell vacuoles. Dense bodies andmembrane complexes were evident in the funiculus. In the innerintegument, cell vacuoles assumed the shape of the future crystals.This presumed predetermined crystal mould is reported here forthe first time for soybean seeds. As crystals in each tissuenear maturity, a wall forms around each crystal. This intracellularcrystal wall becomes contiguous with the cell wall. Integumentcrystals remain visible until the enlarging embryo crushes theinteguments; the crystals then disappear. A related study revealedthat the highest percent of oxalate by dry mass was reachedin the developing +16 d (post-fertilization) seeds, and thendecreased during late seed maturation. At +60 d, CaOx formationand disappearance are an integral part of developing soybeanseeds. Our results suggest that Ca deposits and crystals functionallyserve as Ca storage for the rapidly enlarging embryos. The oxalate,derived from one or more possible metabolic pathways, couldbe involved in seed storage protein synthesis. Copyright 2001Annals of Botany Company Calcium, crystals, development, Glycine max, ovule, oxalate, seed, soybean
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