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Coccidia of Malaysian Mammals: New Host Records and Descriptions of Three New Species of Eimeria*
Abstract:SYNOPSIS. In a survey of parasites of wild mammals of Malaysia 3 new species of Eimeria were found. Eimeria tupaiae sp. n. is described from the common tree shrew, Tupaia glis. Its ellipsoidal to spherical, 3-layered oocysts average 20 × 19 μm. A micropyle is absent; an oocyst residuum and polar granule are present. Ellipsoidal sporocysts average 11 × 7 μm. A sporocyst residuum and Stieda body are present. Eimeria ptilocerci sp. n. is described from the pen-tail tree shrew, Ptilocercus lowii. The ellipsoidal to spherical, 2-layered oocysts average 23 × 20 μm. A micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent; polar granules are present. The ellipsoidal sporocysts average 13 × 7 μm. A sporocyst residuum and Stieda body are present. Eimeria muuli sp. n. is described from the pencil-tailed tree mouse, Chiropodomys gliroides. The ellipsoidal single-layered oocysts average 25 × 19 μm. A micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent; a polar granule is present. The ellipsoidal sporocysts average 13 × 8 μm. A sporocyst residuum and Stieda body are present. In addition, new host records are reported as follows: E. miyairii Ohira from Whitehead's rat Rattus whiteheadi and the Malaysian wood rat, R. tiomanicus; E. separata Becker & Hall from Mueller's rat, R. muelleri, the chestnut rat, R. fulvescens, and the Malaysian wood rat, R. tiomanicus; E. nieschulzi Dieben from the red spiny rat, R. surifer and the chestnut rat, R. fulvescens; and E. callosciuri Colley from the grey-bellied squirrel, Callosciurus caniceps and the black-banded squirrel, C. nigrovittatus.
Keywords:Eimeria  tupaiae sp. n.  ptilocerci sp. n.  muuli sp. n.  miyairii  separata  nieschulzi  callosciuri  Malayan mammals  from  sporulated oocysts  structure of  taxonomy
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