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The isolation and identification of parsley viruses occurring in Britain*
Abstract:Severe stunting of parsley plants, with leaf chlorosis and reddening was reported from four localities in Britain in 1968-70. Affected plants were collected from thirteen sites in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cheshire and Bristol, and five viruses (designated PV1-PV5) were isolated from them. The viruses were distinguished by electron microscopy, host range and type of aphid transmission. From diagnostic reactions in a range of host species and its transmission by Cavariella aegopodii Scop., the most frequently isolated virus (PV4) and the principal cause of the parsley disease was identified as carrot mottle virus (CMotV). The other four viruses were infrequently isolated. PV1, PV2 and PV3 were transmitted in the non-persistent manner by Myzus persicae Sulz. Each was purified and identified serologically as western celery mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus and broad bean wilt respectively. PV5 was not fully identified, but was transmitted by C. aegopodii in the presence of CMotV and had particles ca. 500 nm in length. Each of these viruses was re-transmitted to parsley, but induced slight symptoms or none.
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