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The Vegetation of Prokop Valley nature reserve in Prague
Authors:Jarmila Kubíková
Institution:1. Prague Centre for Monument Care and Nature Conservation, Malé nám. 13, 11000, Praha 1
Abstract:A survey of the present vegetation of the Prokop Valley Nature Reserve revealed the following natural communities:Erysimo crepidifolii-Festucetum valesiacae Klika 1933,Alysso saxatilis-Festucetum Klika 1941,Allio montani-Sedetum albi Klika 1939,Helianthemo cani-Caricetum humilis ass. nova,Helianthemo cani-Seslerietum calcariae Klika 1933,Primulo veris-Seslerietum calcariae Zlatník 1928,Prunion spinosae Soó (1931) 1940 em.Tx. 1952,Prunion fruticosae Tx. 1952,Scabioso ochrolecae-Brachypodietum pinnati Klika 1932,Salvio nemorosae-Melicetum transsilvanicae ass. nova,Lathyro versicoloris-Quercetum pubescentis Klika 1932,Geranio-Peucedanetum cervariae (Kuhn 1937)Th. Müller 1961,Galio-Carpinetum Oberdorfer 1957,Aceri-Carpinetum Klika 1941,Luzulo-Quercetum (Hilitzer 1932)Passarge 1953,Genistion Böcher 1943,Mentho-Juncetum inflexi Lohmeyer 1953. For the anthropogenic vegetation another group of units was used. The species composition, environmental relationships an area of distribution are given for every mapping unit; characteristic soil properties for most important units of natural vegetation are also discussed.
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