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Requirements for Construction of a Functional Hybrid Complex of Photosystem I and [NiFe]-Hydrogenase
Authors:Alexander Schwarze  Marta J Kopczak  Matthias R?gner  Oliver Lenz
Institution:Institut für Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chausseestr. 117, D-10115 Berlin, Germany,1. Lehrstuhl für Biochemie der Pflanzen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany2.
Abstract:The development of cellular systems in which the enzyme hydrogenase is efficiently coupled to the oxygenic photosynthesis apparatus represents an attractive avenue to produce H2 sustainably from light and water. Here we describe the molecular design of the individual components required for the direct coupling of the O2-tolerant membrane-bound hydrogenase (MBH) from Ralstonia eutropha H16 to the acceptor site of photosystem I (PS I) from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. By genetic engineering, the peripheral subunit PsaE of PS I was fused to the MBH, and the resulting hybrid protein was purified from R. eutropha to apparent homogeneity via two independent affinity chromatographical steps. The catalytically active MBH-PsaE (MBHPsaE) hybrid protein could be isolated only from the cytoplasmic fraction. This was surprising, since the MBH is a substrate of the twin-arginine translocation system and was expected to reside in the periplasm. We conclude that the attachment of the additional PsaE domain to the small, electron-transferring subunit of the MBH completely abolished the export competence of the protein. Activity measurements revealed that the H2 production capacity of the purified MBHPsaE fusion protein was very similar to that of wild-type MBH. In order to analyze the specific interaction of MBHPsaE with PS I, His-tagged PS I lacking the PsaE subunit was purified via Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid affinity and subsequent hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Formation of PS I-hydrogenase supercomplexes was demonstrated by blue native gel electrophoresis. The results indicate a vital prerequisite for the quantitative analysis of the MBHPsaE-PS I complex formation and its light-driven H2 production capacity by means of spectroelectrochemistry.Molecular hydrogen (H2) is often discussed as an alternative source of energy (13, 22, 26, 41). It is a highly energetic, renewable, and zero-carbon dioxide emission fuel; however, it is produced mainly from fossil resources. One intriguing possibility for sustainable H2 production is the development of cellular systems in which the light-driven oxygenic photosynthesis is efficiently coupled to hydrogen production by hydrogenase (1, 21, 36).During the process of oxygenic photosynthesis, photosystem II (PS II), a thylakoid membrane (TM)-embedded multiprotein complex, utilizes solar energy to oxidize water into dioxygen (O2), protons, and electrons. The electrons released by PS II are further conducted through an electron transport chain consisting of plastoquinones, the cytochrome b6f complex, and either plastocyanin or cytochrome c6 to the chlorophyll (Chl) dimer P700 in photosystem I (PS I) (20, 48). During light-induced charge separation in PS I, P700 is oxidized, leading to the reduction of the adjacent cofactor A0 (Chl a). From there, the electrons are transmitted to the phylloquinone A1 and subsequently to the Fe4S4 clusters FX, FA, and FB (9) that are located at the acceptor site of PS I. The acceptor site is composed of the PsaC subunit, which harbors the iron-sulfur clusters FA and FB, and the two additional cofactor-free extrinsic subunits PsaD and PsaE. In the final step, the electrons are transferred from FB to the ferredoxin (PetF), which has a midpoint potential of −412 mV (see Fig. Fig.1B)1B) (8, 9).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Models of the hydrogenase and photosystem I complexes used in this study. (A) Membrane-bound hydrogenase (MBHwt) of Ralstonia eutropha H16. (B) Wild-type photosystem I (PS I) from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. (C) MBHstop protein lacking the C-terminal anchor domain of HoxK. (D) MBHPsaE and PS IΔPsaE.Hydrogenases of the NiFe and FeFe types catalyze the reversible cleavage of H2 into protons and electrons (18, 63). For most hydrogenases, this reaction is highly sensitive to O2 and leads to the reversible or even irreversible inactivation of the enzyme (49, 66, 67). A prominent exception is the oxygen-tolerant membrane-bound NiFe]-hydrogenase (MBH) from Ralstonia eutropha H16, which catalyzes H2 conversion in the presence of O2 (42, 65). The MBH consists of large subunit HoxG (67 kDa), harboring the NiFe active site, and small subunit HoxK (35 kDa), bearing three FeS clusters (Fig. (Fig.1)1) (32). Both cofactor-containing subunits are completely assembled within the cytoplasm and become subsequently translocated through the cytoplasmic membrane by the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system. This transport is guided by a specific Tat signal peptide that is located at the N terminus of small subunit HoxK (53). The MBH is then connected to the membrane via the hydrophobic C-terminal “anchor” domain of HoxK, which provides the electronic connection to the diheme cytochrome b, HoxZ (5, 57). All structural, accessory, and regulatory genes for the synthesis of active MBH are arranged in a large, megaplasmid-borne operon (7, 11, 14, 29, 33, 38, 58).The concept of light-driven hydrogen production has been investigated in numerous studies (for reviews, see references 3, 21, and 23), including one involving direct electron transfer from PS I to the free form of hydrogenase in vitro (45). In a preliminary attempt, the MBH from R. eutropha was recently directly fused to PsaE (creating MBHPsaE) (28). The fusion protein was partially purified and subjected to in vitro reconstitution with PS I lacking PsaE (PS IΔPsaE) (54) for light-driven hydrogen production. This concept was based on the previous observation that PS I lacking the peripheral subunit PsaE is fully reconstituted in vitro simply by the addition of independently purified PsaE protein (12).In the present communication, we describe a novel purification procedure for R. eutropha MBHPsaE that yields homogeneous, functionally active MBHPsaE. Additionally, a new method for efficient and fast purification of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (hereafter referred to as Synechocystis) His-tagged PS I was established. Finally, the pure proteins MBHPsaE and PS IΔPsaE were successfully subjected to in vitro reconstitution.
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