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The role of abscisic acid in germination, storage protein synthesis and desiccation tolerance in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seeds, as shown by inhibition of its synthesis by fluridone during development
Authors:Xu, Nanfei   Bewley, J. Derek
Abstract:Abscisic acid and osmoticum maintain maturation and proteinsynthesis of developing alfalfa embryos, individually and incombination. The in situ environment of developing alfalfa zygoticembryos is rich in ABA and low in osmotic potential. When ABAsynthesis was inhibited by treating the pods with fluridoneat an early stage of development, the seeds which subsequentlydeveloped contained low amounts of ABA, but had a similar osmoticpotential as untreated control seeds. The reduced ABA in seedsfrom fluridone-treated pods did not change the morphology exceptthe colour of seeds, nor did it induce viviparous germinationor affect storage protein synthesis. However, two nonstorageproteins which were synthesized in control seeds during earlyto mid-development were absent from fluridone-treated seeds.Control seeds containing these two proteins were desiccation-tolerant,whereas the fluridone-treated seeds which lacked them were desiccation-intolerant,at least until the deposition of storage proteins was nearlycomplete. Culture of isolated embryos on nutrient medium inducedgermination and curtailed storage protein synthesis in the embryos.Addition of either ABA or osmoticum to the nutrient medium preventedgermination and maintained storage protein synthesis. When fluridonewas added along with osmoticum, germination occurred, but storageprotein synthesis was maintained. Key words: Embryogenesis, Medicago sativa L., alfalfa, ABA, osmotic potential, fluridone, desiccation, storage protein synthesis
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