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Structure,function, aging and turnover of aggrecan in the intervertebral disc
Authors:Sarit Sara Sivan  Ellen Wachtel  Peter Roughley
Affiliation:1. Department of Biotechnology Engineering, ORT Braude College, Karmiel 21982 Israel;2. Faculty of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel;3. Shriners Hospital for Children, Genetics Unit, 1529 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A6, Canada


Aggrecan is the major non-collagenous component of the intervertebral disc. It is a large proteoglycan possessing numerous glycosaminoglycan chains and the ability to form aggregates in association with hyaluronan. Its abundance and unique molecular features provide the disc with its osmotic properties and ability to withstand compressive loads. Degradation and loss of aggrecan result in impairment of disc function and the onset of degeneration.

Scope of review

This review summarizes current knowledge concerning the structure and function of aggrecan in the normal intervertebral disc and how and why these change in aging and degenerative disc disease. It also outlines how supplementation with aggrecan or a biomimetic may be of therapeutic value in treating the degenerate disc.

Major conclusions

Aggrecan abundance reaches a plateau in the early twenties, declining thereafter due to proteolysis, mainly by matrix metalloproteinases and aggrecanases, though degradation of hyaluronan and non-enzymic glycation may also participate. Aggrecan loss is an early event in disc degeneration, although it is a lengthy process as degradation products may accumulate in the disc for decades. The low turnover rate of the remaining aggrecan is an additional contributing factor, preventing protein renewal. It may be possible to retard the degenerative process by restoring the aggrecan content of the disc, or by supplementing with a bioimimetic possessing similar osmotic properties.

General significance

This review provides a basis for scientists and clinicians to understand and appreciate the central role of aggrecan in the function, degeneration and repair of the intervertebral disc.
Keywords:GAG, glycosaminoglycan   KS, keratan sulfate   HA, hyaluronic acid   IGD, interglobular domain   MMPs, metalloproteinases   CS, chondroitin sulfate   IVD, intervertebral disc   EGF, epidermal growth factor   CRP, complement regulatory protein   ECM, extracellular matrix   NP, nucleus pulposus   AF, annulus fibrosus   IL1, interleukin 1   TNFα, tumor necrosis factor α   HYALs, hyaluronidases   OSM, oncostatin M   BMP7, bone morphogenetic protein 7   TGFβ, transforming growth factor β   GDF5, growth and differentiation factor 5   AGEs, glycation end products   ADAMTS, A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs   CML, carboxymethyllysine   CEL, carboxyethyllysine   Asp, aspartic acid
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