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Biosynthesis and turnover of O-acetyl and N-acetyl groups in the gangliosides of human melanoma cells
Authors:A E Manzi  E R Sjoberg  S Diaz  A Varki
Affiliation:Department of Medicine, U.C.S.D. Cancer Center.
Abstract:We and others previously described the melanoma-associated oncofetal glycosphingolipid antigen 9-O-acetyl-GD3, a disialoganglioside O-acetylated at the 9-position of the outer sialic acid residue. We have now developed methods to examine the biosynthesis and turnover of disialogangliosides in cultured melanoma cells and in Golgi-enriched vesicles from these cells. O-Acetylation was selectively expressed on di- and trisialogangliosides, but not on monosialogangliosides, nor on glycoprotein-bound sialic acids. Double-labeling of cells with [3H]acetate and [14C]glucosamine introduced easily detectable labels into each of the components of the ganglioside molecules. Pulse-chase studies of such doubly labeled molecules indicated that the O-acetyl groups turn over faster than the parent molecule. When Golgi-enriched vesicles from these cells were incubated with [acetyl-3H]acetyl-coenzyme A, the major labeled products were disialogangliosides. [Acetyl-3H]O-acetyl groups were found at both the 7- and the 9-positions, indicating that both 7-O-acetyl GD3 and 9-O-acetyl GD3 were synthesized by the action of O-acetyltransferase(s) on endogenous GD3. Analysis of the metabolically labeled molecules confirmed the existence of both 7- and 9-O-acetylated GD3 in the intact cells. Surprisingly, the major 3H-labeled product of the in vitro labeling reaction was not O-acetyl-GD3, but GD3, with the label exclusively in the sialic acid residues. Fragmentation of the labeled sialic acids by enzymatic and chemical methods showed that the 3H-label was exclusively in [3H]N-acetyl groups. Analyses of the double-labeled sialic acids from intact cells also showed that the 3H-label from [3H]acetate was exclusively in the form of [3H]N-acetyl groups, whereas the 14C-label was at the 4-position. Pulse-chase analysis of the 3H/14C ratio showed that the N-acetyl groups of both GD3 and of the monosialoganglioside GM3 were turning over faster than the parent molecules. Selective periodate oxidation showed that both the inner and outer sialic acid residues of GD3 incorporated 3H-label in the in vitro reaction, and showed similar turnover of N-acetylation in the pulse-chase study. Taken together, these results indicate that both the O- and N-acetyl groups of the sialic acid residues of gangliosides turn over faster than the parent molecules. They also demonstrate a novel re-N-acetylation reaction that predicts the existence of de-N-acetyl gangliosides in melanoma cells.
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