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The reliability of product-specific eco-labels as an agrobiodiversity management instrument
Authors:Mariëtte van Amstel  Claar de Brauw  Peter Driessen  Pieter Glasbergen
Affiliation:(1) Athena Institute for Research on Innovation and Communication in Health and Life Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(2) Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Universiteit Utrecht, P.O. Box 80.115, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Abstract:This paper seeks to understand why multinationals prefer to launch a label specific to their own product and examines how reliable these product-specific eco-labels are. A new methodology is applied to assess the extent to which eco-labels live up to claims about their contribution to conservation and the sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity. Product-specific eco-labels are considered as industry self-regulation and all three regulatory stages are studied: the planning, implementation and outcome stage. There are major differences between the product specific eco-labels in the degree in which agrobiodiversity management is part of the normative labeling schemes. Although there are some problems of reliability, such as transparency in the implementation stage and the monitoring in the outcome stage, the degree of reliability of product-specific labels is comparable with eco-labels of international labeling families. The conclusion is that only one of the product-specific eco-labels examined here is reliable when examined in the light of all three stages. The main reason why multinationals establish a product-specific eco-label instead of adopting one from an existing labeling family is that they want to profile themselves as distinct from other companies. The unique character of a product-specific label creates a market opportunity for them.
Keywords:Agricultural biodiversity  Biodiversity management  Reliability  Eco-labels  Industry self-regulation
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