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Differential Effects of Nitrate and Light on the Expression of Glutamine Synthetases and Ferredoxin-Dependent Glutamate Synthase in Maize
Authors:Sakakibara, Hitoshi   Kawabata, Shiro   Hase, Toshiharu   Sugiyama, Tatsuo
Affiliation:1 Department of Agricultural Chemistry, School of Agriculture, Nagoya University Nagoya, 464-01 Japan
2 Division of Enzymology, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University Suita, Osaka, 565 Japan
Abstract:The effects of nitrate and light on the expression of genesfor glutamine synthetase (GS) isoproteins and ferredoxin-dependentglutamate synthase (Fd-GOGAT) were studied in different organsof maize seedlings by analyzing the levels of the respectivepolypeptides and mRNAs. In roots, the levels of plastidic GSand of a novel, root-specific GS molecule localized in the extraplastidiccompartment were increased markedly by nitrate, whereas Fd-GOGATand cytosolic GS remained at their initial levels. Ammonia wasnot effective in inducing the plastidic GS and Fd-GOGAT butit did induce the novel GS isoprotein. In leaves, cytosolicand plastidic GSs and Fd-GOGAT were present in both mesophyllcells (MC) and bundle sheath cells (BSC). Upon addition of nitrate,the level of plastidic GS increased preferentially in MC, andupon exposure of etiolated seedlings to light, the levels ofplastidic GS and Fd-GOGAT increased in BSC in a coordinatedmanner. The relationship between the expression of genes forGSs and Fd-GOGAT and the physiological role of the GS/GOGATcycle is discussed in terms of the characteristics of nitrogenmetabolism in roots, MC, and BSC. (Received August 11, 1992; Accepted September 21, 1992)
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