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Nest site selection in middle and great spotted woodpeckers Dendrocopos medius &; D. major: implications for forest management and conservation
Authors:Gilberto Pasinelli
Affiliation:(1) University of Zurich, Institute of Zoology, Ecology Group, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract:Success of species conservation depends to a large extent on comprehensive management that considers all critical aspects of a species’ niche. Many studies have examined habitat factors in relation to occurrence, abundance or foraging behaviour of European woodpecker species, while relatively little is known about nest site selection. I compared habitat structures used for nesting by middle and great spotted woodpeckers Dendrocopos medius and D. major with available structures in an oak forest in the Swiss lowlands. I first tested if nest trees were randomly selected among available trees by focusing on species, condition and diameter of nest trees, and on the presence of the fruiting body (hereafter sporophore) of polypores (wood-decomposing fungi). Second, I examined if the nesting niches of the two species were differentiated. Both species showed strong preferences for oaks, large trees, dead trees and for trees with sporophores. Nest sites of the two species differed most strongly with respect to the presence of sporophores, cavity age and tree condition, pointing towards interspecific competition for nest sites. Old living or dead trees with sporophores are central components of the nesting niche of middle and great spotted woodpeckers. Conservation plans for the threatened middle spotted woodpecker have so far mostly focused on the needs in terms of distribution and foraging; future conservation strategies and forest management must take into account the preference for dead and decaying trees with sporophores as another vital resource. This will also provide benefits for other woodpecker species as well as for the community of secondary cavity nesters.
Keywords:Dead trees  Forestry  Nesting ecology  Niche   Piciformes   Resource selection
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