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Comparative Structure of Companion Cells and Phloem Parenchyma Cells in Mimosa pudica L.
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences, University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106
Abstract:The phloem of Mimosa pudica L. furnishes an example of definablediversification of the parenchymatic members of the tissue intocompanion cells and parenchyma cells. The companion cells havedense protoplasts which contain the typical organelles of plantcells, including chloroplasts and many ribosomes. The sieveelements and companion cells are interconnected by numerousbranched plasmodesmata. The companion cells degenerate whenthe associated sieve elements cease to function. The parenchymacells have less dense protoplasts than the companion cells.In many parenchyma cells the rough endoplasmic reticulum assumesa tubular form, and bundles of microfilaments are present. Thecytoplasmic ribosomes occur in groups apparently held togetherby fibrils. Chloroplasts, mitochondria (some are exceptionallylong), dictyosomes, microbodies, and microtubules are the othercell components. Whether the parenchyma cells are ontogeneticallyrelated to the sieve elements or not, they do not degeneratewhen the sieve element ceases to function.
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