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Response of Seed Germination in Three Genera of Compositae to White Light of Varying Photon Flux Density and Photoperiod
Authors:ELLIS, R. H.   HONG, T. D.   ROBERTS, E. H.
Abstract:Various photon doses (net number of photons per unit area perday), provided by varying both photon flux density and photoperiod,were applied to imbibing seeds of seven lots of four speciesof Compositae in various germination test regimes. In all fourspecies germination was dependent upon photon dose, the productof photon flux density and daily duration of exposure. The responsewas quantified by linear relations between the probit of percentagegermination and the logarithm of photon dose. In general, photonflux density and photoperiod only influenced the stimulationof germination by the low energy reaction indirectly (as factorsof daily photon dose), whereas there was a tendency for photoperiodto have a direct influence on the inhibition of germinationby the high irradiance reaction. Reducing the germination testtemperature from 25?C to 20?C and 15?C not only increased thedark germination of L. sativa L., but also broadened the photondose range at which full germination occurred by reducing theminimum value necessary for the germination of the most dormantseeds, and increasing the maximum value which failed to inhibitthe germination of any seeds. Differences between L. sativaand L. serriola L. in the response of germination to white lightwere only quantitative, rather than qualitative. The singlemost promotory dose for all four species was 3 ? 10–3mol m–2 d–1, although the inhibitory action of dosesup to 10– mol m– d– was generally only slight. Key words: Light, seed germination, seed dormancy, Compositae
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