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Biophysical and Biochemical Regulation of Cytoplasmic pH in Chara corallina during Acid Loads
Authors:SMITH, F A.   REID, R. J.
Abstract:The contribution of membrane transport to regulation of cytoplasmicpH in Chara corallina has been measured during proton-loadingby uptake of butyric acid. In the short-term (i.e. up to 20min) uptake of butyric acid is not affected by removal of externalK+, Na+ or Cl– but over longer periods uptake is decreased(by 20–50% in different experiments) in the absence ofexternal Na+ or, sometimes, K+. Influxes of both Na+ and K+increase temporarily after addition of butyrate, Na+ immediatelyand K+ after a lag. Effects on Cl– influx are small butCl– efflux increases enormously after a short lag. Anapproximate comparison of internal butyrate with changes inthe concentration of K+, Na+, and Cl– suggests that initially(i.e. for a few min) cytoplasmic pH is determined by bufferingand possibly by some decarboxylation of organic acids (biochemicalpH regulation), and that biophysical pH regulation involvingefflux of H+ balanced by influxes of K+, Na+ and especiallyefflux of Cl– progressively becomes dominant. When butyric acid is washed out of the cells, cytoplasmic pHis restored completely or partially (depending on the butyrateconcentration used) and this is independent of the presenceor absence of external Cl–. Where Cl– is present,its influx is relatively small. It is suggested that cytoplasmicpH is then controlled biochemically, involving the synthesisof an (unidentified) organic acid and the accumulation of acidicanions in place of butyurate lost from the cell. During thesecond application of butyrate, net Cl– efflux is small:it is suggested that control of cytoplasmic pH then involvesdecarboxylation of the organic acid anions. The questions of the source of Cl– lost from the cell(cytoplasm or vacuole) and of possible cytoplasmic swellingassociated with the accumulation of butyrate are discussed. Key words: Chara corallina, butyric acid, cytoplasmic pH, membrane transport
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