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A coprological survey of parasites of wild neotropical felidae
Authors:S Patton  A Rabinowitz  S Randolph  S S Johnson
Abstract:In conjunction with an ecological study of jaguars in the Cockscomb Basin of Belize, Central America, fecal samples from jaguars (Panthera onca), jaguarundis (Felis yagouaroundi), ocelots (Felix pardalis), and pumas (Felix concolor) were examined for parasite products (eggs, larvae, and oocysts). Of the 45 samples examined, 39 (86.7%) were positive for parasite products, 23 of 25 (92%) jaguar samples were positive, as were all of the puma (4/4) and ocelot (8/8) samples. Four of 6 samples from unknown species were positive (66.7%). Two jaguarundis samples were negative. The following were identified in the samples: Paragonimus sp. eggs, Taeniidae eggs, Strongylate eggs, Toxocara cati eggs, Toxascaris sp. eggs, Capillaria sp. eggs, Spiruridae eggs, Aelurostrongylus sp. larvae, Oncicola sp. eggs, Hammondia pardalis oocysts, Isospora sp. oocysts, Toxoplasma gondii-like oocysts and Sarcocystis sp. sporocyst.
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