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Physiological consequences of mowing and burning of Phragmites australisstands for rhizome ventilation and amino acid metabolism
Authors:Rolletschek  Hardy  Rolletschek  Alexandra  Hartzendorf  Thomas  Kohl  Johannes-Günter
Affiliation:(1) Institut für Biologie/AG Ökologie, Humboldt-Universität, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany
Abstract:Mowing and burning of Phragmitesaustralis-stands have been recommended in the recentliterature as management tools for both protection andcontrol, and both favourable and detrimental effectsof these treatments were actually observed. This studyaims to clarify this apparent contradiction using anew physiological approach. Reed stands in thebiosphere reserves of Trebon (Czech Republic) and theDanube Delta (Romania) were investigated usingparameters of convective ventilation and amino acidpatterns. Flooded mown reed and unflooded burned reedwas compared to unmanaged control stands withcomparable hydrology and trophic level. Managementtook place in winter. The elimination of old culmsthrough mowing resulted in a lower ventilationefficiency due to a high counterpressure of rhizomes.The corresponding gas flow rates were reduced to 38%of the value in control stands, indicating a stronglyimpaired oxygen supply to basal and below-ground plantparts after mowing. Concomitantly, significantlyincreased levels of alanine and gamma-aminobutyricacid in basal culm internodes of shoots were measuredas signs of a metabolic shift due to hypoxic stress.Conversely, shoot loss by burning (without flooding)did not diminish ventilation efficiency and gas flowrate, i.e. oxygen supply to buried organs wasunaffected. Correspondingly, the level ofhypoxia-indicating amino acids (alanine,gamma-aminobutyric acid) did not indicate more severeoxygen deficiency in basal and below-ground plantparts of burned reed. It is concluded that the impactof mowing and burning on P. australisstronglydepends on the water level and on whether or notflooding occurs after the treatment. The mechanismresponsible for detrimental effects is probablyimpaired convective ventilation followed by hypoxia inbasal plant parts. This aspect should be taken intoaccount when mowing or burning in winter are used asmanagement tools for wetlands.
Keywords:convective gas flow  dissolved amino acids  hypoxia  wetland management
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