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The glucogenic response of a parasitized insect Manduca sexta L. is partially mediated by differential nutrient intake
Authors:Thompson S N  Redak R A  Borchardt D B
Affiliation:Analytical Chemistry Instrumentation Facility and Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside 92521, USA. nelsont@mail.ucr.edu
Abstract:Induction of gluconeogenesis is accelerated in larvae of the insect Manduca sexta L. parasitized by Cotesia congregata (Say), maintaining the concentration of the blood sugar trehalose, an important nutrient for parasite development. Investigation has demonstrated that when host larvae are offered a choice of diets with varying levels of sucrose and casein, parasitized insects consume a different balance of these nutrients, principally due to a decrease in protein consumption. The result is metabolic homeostasis, with normal unparasitized and parasitized larvae exhibiting similar levels of gluconeogenesis and blood sugar level. In the present study, normal unparasitized and parasitized larvae were maintained on individual chemically defined diets having the balance of protein and carbohydrate consumed by each when offered a dietary choice. Total dietary nutrient, the sum of carbohydrate and protein, was provided at six levels, composed of three pairs of diets. Each diet pair consisting of diets having equivalent overall nutrient ratios of 2:1 and 1:1 casein/sucrose. Host growth and diet consumption were significantly affected by dietary nutrient level and the magnitude of these effects was influenced by parasitism. Due to the effects of dietary nutrient level on diet consumption, none of the unparasitized and parasitized larvae within any of the three diet pairs consumed protein and carbohydrate at the levels predicted by the earlier choice experiments. Among insects on all of the diets, however, two groups of unparasitized and parasitized larvae consumed the expected levels of protein and carbohydrate. In each case, gluconeogenesis, as measured by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) analysis of pyruvate cycling and trehalose synthesis from [2-13C]pyruvate, was evident in unparasitized and parasitized insects, confirming the conclusions of the earlier experiments. Generally, all larvae that consumed less than approximately 250 mg of sucrose over the 3-day feeding period, were gluconeogenic, regardless of diet. Differential carbohydrate consumption, therefore, was an important factor in inducing gluconeogenesis in both unparasitized and parasitized insects. The selective 13C enrichment in trehalose displayed by non-gluconeogenic larvae on some diets demonstrated trehalose formation from [2]pyruvate. The absence of net carbohydrate synthesis in these insects was likely due to an elevation of glycolysis. There was no significant effect of diet consumption or parasitism on blood trehalose level. Parasitized larvae displayed higher levels of gluconeogenesis than did unparasitized insects, a finding consistent with the conclusion that blood sugar is rapidly sequestered by developing parasites. The parasite burden, the total number of parasites developing within host larvae, as well as the number of parasites emerging from host larvae to complete development, was significantly less at the lowest dietary nutrient level, but was otherwise similar at all dietary nutrient levels. Moreover, the number of parasites that emerged increased with increasing diet consumption as reflected by host final weight.
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