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Increasing maximal heart rate increases maximal O2 uptake in rats acclimatized to simulated altitude
Authors:Gonzalez, Norberto C.   Clancy, Richard L.   Moue, Yoshihiro   Richalet, Jean-Paul
Abstract:Gonzalez, Norberto C., Richard L. Clancy, Yoshihiro Moue,and Jean-Paul Richalet. Increasing maximal heart rate increases maximal O2 uptake in ratsacclimatized to simulated altitude. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(1): 164-168, 1998.---Maximal exerciseheart rate (HRmax) is reducedafter acclimatization to hypobaric hypoxia. The lowHRmax contributes to reducemaximal cardiac output(Qmax) andmay limit maximal O2 uptake(VO2 max). Theobjective of these experiments was to test the hypothesisthat the reduction inQmax afteracclimatization to hypoxia, due, in part, to the lowHRmax, limitsVO2 max. Ifthis hypothesis is correct, an increase in Qmax wouldresult in a proportionate increase inVO2 max. Rats acclimatized to hypobaric hypoxia [inspiredPO2(PIO2) = 69.8 ± 3 Torr for 3 wk] exercised on a treadmill in hypoxic (PIO2 = 71.7 ± 1.1 Torr) or normoxic conditions(PIO2 = 142.1 ± 1.1 Torr). Each rat ran twice: in one bout the rat was allowed to reach itsspontaneous HRmax, which was 505 ± 7 and 501 ± 5 beats/min in hypoxic and normoxic exercise,respectively; in the other exercise bout,HRmax was increased by 20% to the preacclimatization value of 600 beats/min by atrial pacing. This resulted in an ~10% increase inQmax, since theincrease in HRmax was offset by a10% decrease in stroke volume, probably due to shortening of diastolicfilling time. The increase inQmax was accompanied by a proportionate increase in maximal rate of convective O2 delivery(Qmax × arterial O2 content), maximal workrate, and VO2 max inhypoxic and normoxic exercise. The data show that increasingHRmax topreacclimatization levels increasesVO2 max, supportingthe hypothesis that the lowHRmax tends to limitVO2 max after acclimatization to hypoxia.

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