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Suppression of polydactyly of the Gli3 mutant (extra toes) by deltaEF1 homozygous mutation
Authors:Moribe H  Takagi T  Kondoh H  Higashi Y
Affiliation:Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Osaka University, Suita, Japan.
Abstract:Digit patterning is established through multiple genetic interactions. Delta-crystallin enhancer/E2-box factor (deltaEF1) is a zinc finger and homeodomain containing repressor protein, and is expressed in the posterior half of the forelimb bud and in the entire hindlimb bud during the early stage of limb development. The 6EF1-deficient mutant mice display various skeletal abnormalities, among which inferior ossification and abnormal patterning of autopodial bones are similar to those observed in Hox and Gli gene mutants. Gli3 mutant mice, extra toes (Xt), exhibit pre-axial polydactyly losing the identity of digit I. It is demonstrated here that deltaEF1null(lacZ) homozygosity suppressed formation of the extra digit, uniquely of the hindlimb, in both Gli3XtJ heterozygous and homozygous mutants, but with no restoration of digit I identity. In Gli3XtJ mutants, the Hoxd13 expression domain was expanded more dramatically in homozygotes. In Gli3XtJ;deltaEF1null(lacZ) double homozygous mutants, Hoxd13 expression once expanded in Gli3XtJ homozygous mutant was reduced, more conspicuously in the hindlimbs, which may account for hindlimb-restricted suppression of formation of the extra digit. The data suggest the possibility that the extent of Hoxd13 expression along the distal margin of the limb bud is determinative in defining the digit number.
Keywords:δEF1    Gli3    Hoxd13    limb    polydactyly
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