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Vegetative multiplication and patch colonisation of Asarum europaeum subsp. europaeum L. (Aristolochiaceae) inferred by a combined morphological and molecular study
Authors:Tanja Pfeiffer  
Affiliation:aFreie Universität Berlin, Institut für Biologie – Systematische Botanik und Pflanzengeographie, Altensteinstraße 6, D – 14195 Berlin, Germany
Abstract:Asarum europaeum subsp. europaeum (Aristolochiaceae) is a rhizomatous herb forming distinct patches in calcareous broadleaved forests. Within natural stands, patches were mapped. In two regions, at least four patches were dug out, and connections between leaf modules through rhizomatous spacers were checked for signs of clonal reproduction (decay, breaking). Modules were sampled for amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting to test whether they represent unique genets or are merigenets of a larger genet (split up by clonal reproduction), respectively.Morphologically, merigenet-relationships were only revealed in few cases with disrupted spacers between modules. With the obtained AFLP profiles for two primer combinations, the samples could be assigned to genets; clonal descendants of the same genet were readily identified. In one patch analysed in detail, 18 samples from 17 unconnected “plants” belonged to only two genets, which were morphologically divided into two and 15 merigenets, respectively. These two genets probably belonged to different maternal lineages and came into contact after lateral spread from the established clones. They showed divergent affinities to samples from adjacent patches (which all represented unique genets).The findings support the suitability of the combined morpho-ecological and molecular approach: compared to either method alone, it allows a more detailed analysis and interpretation of the fine-scale clonal structure, patch colonisation and especially of vegetative multiplication (with morpho-ecological studies to discern clonal growth and clonal reproduction and AFLP fingerprinting for genet and merigenet identification, respectively).
Keywords:Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)   Clonal growth   Clonal reproduction   Genet identification   Merigenet   Patch colonisation and maintenance
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