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Propylthiouracil Tasting: Determination of Underlying Threshold Distributions using Maximum Likelihood
Authors:Reed, Danielle R.   Bartoshuk, Linda M.   Duffy, Valarie   Marino, Susan   Price, R. Arlen
Abstract:The ability to taste low concentrations of propylthiouracil(PROP) and related bitter compounds is heritable. The currentanalysis determines whether the distribution of PROP taste thresholdsis consistent with an additive or a dominant mode of Mendeliantransmission. To that end, the lowest concentration of PROPdetectable was determined for 1015 subjects and models of bi-or tri-modal distributions of PROP taste thresholds were tested.The model with the greatest likelihood had three distributionsand followed an additive model of PROP taste sensitivity ifthe variances associated with the distributions were assumedto be equal. However, if the taste thresholds were transformedto remove skewness, or if the variances were unequal, then three-or two-distribution models were equally likely. Resolution ofthe mode of inheritance for bitter taste perception awaits additionalfamily studies and the characterization of the molecular basisof taste perception for these bitter compounds. Chem. Senses20: 529–533, 1995.
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