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Altered cardiovascular reflex responses during positive pressure breathing
Authors:H O Stinnett
Abstract:Cardiovascular responses during hyperinflation produced by positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) are considered to be reflexly influenced by pulmonary mechanoreceptors. Numerous studies have indicated heart and vascular effects attributed to mechanical events and cardiopulmonary mechanoreflexes. Yet interactions of these modalities with the systemic baroreflexes are not clear. We examined aspects of these modulatory interactions by distinguishing changes in pulmonary, heart, and vascular responses during PEEP-hyperinflation before and after progressive elimination of chemo-, mechano-, and baroreflex influences in the closed-chest anesthetized rabbit. During respiratory alkalosis PEEP was imposed in increments of 2.5 cm H2O (range 0.0 to 7.5 cm H2O) before and during control of carotid intrasinus pressure and following aortic denervation and vagotomy. Heart rate responses during PEEP increased prior to aortic denervation, decreased following elimination of baroreflexes, and were abolished after vagotomy. The fall in mean arterial pressure (MAP) during PEEP was accentuated during elimination of the baroreflexes and ameliorated following vagotomy. Mean right atrial (MRAP), intrapleural (MIP), and right atrial transmural pressure increased during PEEP prior to vagotomy. Regression analyses of MAP versus MRAP and MAP versus MIP suggest that vagally receptors reflexly influence venous as well as systemic arterial vascular pressure. Conclusion indicate that when superimposed on mechanical events, cardiopulmonary mechanoreceptors and arterial baroreceptors effect conflicting facilitory reflex influences on heart and vascular responses during PEEP-hyperinflation.
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