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Metabolic inhibitors induce symplastic movement of solutes from the transport phloem of Arabidopsis roots
Authors:Wright, Kathryn M.   Oparka, Karl J.
Abstract:The distribution of the phloem-mobile fluorescent probe carboxyfluorescein(CF) within the primary root of Arabidopsis thaliana was imagedusing a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and the tissueand subcellular distribution of the probe was shown to be influencedby treatment with a number of metabolic inhibitors. Sodium azidecompletely inhibited the phloem transport of CF into the treatedregion of root. Treatment with both CCCP and probenecid inducedthe lateral movement of CF from the transport phloem to theadjacent cell layers, and the probe accumulated in the cytoplasmof the pericycle, endodermis, cortex, and epidermis. This lateraltransfer of CF was restricted to the pericycle in the presenceof plasmolysing concentrations of sorbitol. Ultrastructuralinvestigations demonstrated the presence of a plasm odesmatalpathway leading from the sieve elementcompanion cell complex(SE-CC) out into the cortex. The results are consistent withthe operation of this symplastic pathway under conditions ofmetabolic energy reduction and are discussed in relation tothe regulation of plasmodesmatal conductance in the transportphloem. Key words: Arabidopsis, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), metabolic inhibitors, phloem transport, symplastic phloem unloading
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