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Response of galling invertebrates on Salix lanata to reindeer herbivory
Authors:Johan Olofsson   Joachim Strengbom
Abstract:Browsing and defoliation often increase the densities of insect herbivores on woody plants. Densities of herbivorous invertebrates were estimated in a long-term grazing manipulation experiment. More then 30-yr-old fences allow us to compare densities of invertebrate herbivores on Salix lanata in areas heavily grazed and areas lightly grazed by reindeer. The number of gall-forming insects ( Pontania glabrifons) and gall-forming mites were higher on the heavily grazed shrubs than on lightly grazed shrubs. In contrast to most short-term studies, the heavily grazed S. lanata had shorter current annual shoots. No difference in leaf size, leaf nitrogen content, or C:N ratio between grazing intensities were detected. However, the enhanced natural δ15N value indicates that heavily grazed shrubs get a higher proportion of their N directly from reindeer faeces. Leaf weight per unit area and relative fluctuating asymmetry of leaf shape increased in heavily grazed S. lanata . Enhanced relative fluctuating asymmetry might indicate higher susceptibility to herbivores. Long-term grazing seems to increase the density of invertebrate herbivory in the same way as short-term grazing, even if the plant responses differ substantially.
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