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Electrochemical Measurement of Electron Transfer Kinetics by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Authors:Daniel Baron   Edward LaBelle   Dan Coursolle   Jeffrey A. Gralnick     Daniel R. Bond
Affiliation:From the BioTechnology Institute, ;the §Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology, and ;the Department of Microbiology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108
Abstract:Shewanella oneidensis strain MR-1 can respire using carbon electrodes and metal oxyhydroxides as electron acceptors, requiring mechanisms for transferring electrons from the cell interior to surfaces located beyond the cell. Although purified outer membrane cytochromes will reduce both electrodes and metals, S. oneidensis also secretes flavins, which accelerate electron transfer to metals and electrodes. We developed techniques for detecting direct electron transfer by intact cells, using turnover and single turnover voltammetry. Metabolically active cells attached to graphite electrodes produced thin (submonolayer) films that demonstrated both catalytic and reversible electron transfer in the presence and absence of flavins. In the absence of soluble flavins, electron transfer occurred in a broad potential window centered at ∼0 V (versus standard hydrogen electrode), and was altered in single (ΔomcA, ΔmtrC) and double deletion (ΔomcAmtrC) mutants of outer membrane cytochromes. The addition of soluble flavins at physiological concentrations significantly accelerated electron transfer and allowed catalytic electron transfer to occur at lower applied potentials (−0.2 V). Scan rate analysis indicated that rate constants for direct electron transfer were slower than those reported for pure cytochromes (∼1 s−1). These observations indicated that anodic current in the higher (>0 V) window is due to activation of a direct transfer mechanism, whereas electron transfer at lower potentials is enabled by flavins. The electrochemical dissection of these activities in living cells into two systems with characteristic midpoint potentials and kinetic behaviors explains prior observations and demonstrates the complementary nature of S. oneidensis electron transfer strategies.Respiratory electron flow typically occurs at the inner membrane, where oxidation and reduction can be easily linked to intracellular electron carriers and used to generate a membrane potential. However, when the electron acceptor or donor is insoluble, bacteria must possess a mechanism for transferring electrons beyond their inner membrane (1). This is especially true for Proteobcteria, which have an outer membrane that further insulates cytoplasmic and inner membrane processes from insoluble substrates. Metal oxides (such as Fe(III) and Mn(IV) oxyhydroxides) are well recognized naturally occurring electron acceptors that demand such an electron transfer strategy (24).Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, a metabolically versatile member of the gammaproteobacteria (5), is capable of reducing insoluble metals, and this phenotype has been linked to a collection of interacting multiheme cytochromes spanning the inner membrane, periplasmic space, and outer membrane (612). There is also evidence that some of these cytochromes decorate the surface of pili-like structures extending from the cell surface (13, 14). Regardless of the ultimate location of the cytochromes, in all models of electron transfer, electrons must hop from these proteins to a solid surface or be transferred to a soluble mediator that can diffuse to a final destination (15, 16). Although chelation of a metal oxide is a third option (17, 18), the fact that Shewanella is able to transfer electrons to solid graphite electrodes (1923) underscores the need for a direct or diffusion-based electron transfer mechanism to link cellular proteins and surfaces.Recent work has shown that Shewanella species secrete soluble flavins (FMN and riboflavin) that facilitate electron transfer to both metals and electrodes (23, 24). For example, removal of accumulated soluble flavins decreases the rate of electron transfer by Shewanella biofilms to electrodes over 80%. Consistent with this observation, kinetic measurements with pure MtrC and OmcA (25) showed that direct reduction of solid metal oxides by these cytochromes was too slow to explain physiological rates of electron transfer, whereas turnover rates of these enzymes with soluble flavins were orders of magnitude larger. These studies suggest that the kinetics of electron transfer from cytochromes on the outer surface of Shewanella to electrodes will be significantly altered in the absence of diffusible mediators (911, 2634).Voltammetry has proven a useful technique for the analysis of electron transfer rates and pathways using purified proteins (3539) and has recently been extended to the study of intact bacteria (23, 4042). In slow scan rate cyclic voltammetry, the rate of electron transfer from respiring Shewanella biofilms to electrodes rises sharply at the E°′ of riboflavin and FMN (−0.2 V versus SHE)2 (23). Such measurements relating thermodynamic driving force to turnover kinetics would be difficult with whole cell:Fe(III) oxide incubations, which do not allow fine control over the electron acceptor redox potential or real time recording of electron transfer rates. In addition, voltammetry provides tools to observe electron movement under single-turnover conditions (in the absence of electron donor), allowing reversible oxidation and reduction of proteins accessible to the electrode and study of kinetic behavior (43, 44).In this work, techniques of turnover (sustained electron transfer from cells to electrode in the presence of electron donor) and single turnover (reversible oxidation and reduction in the absence of electron donor) voltammetry were harnessed to investigate the role of outer membrane proteins in electron transfer from Shewanella to electrodes. In all of these studies, intact metabolically active cells were used, along with electrode surfaces known to act as acceptors for Shewanella. The results in the absence of soluble mediators provide evidence that electron transfer between MtrC and OmcA and surfaces requires a higher potential compared with when flavins are present to shuttle electrons to the surface. Mutant analysis also demonstrates that cells possessing different outer membrane cytochromes have differing abilities for direct and mediator-enabled electron transfer.
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