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Behaviour in usurpers and late joiners ofPolistes biglumis bimaculatus (Hymenoptera,Vespidae)
Authors:R. Cervo  M. C. Lorenzi
Affiliation:(1) Dipartimento di Biologia Animate e Genetica, Università di Firenze, Via Romana 17, I-50125 Firenze, Italy;(2) Dipartimento di Morfofisiologia Veterinaria, Università di Torino, Viole Mattioli 25, I-10125 Torino, Italy
Abstract:Summary During the late pre-emergence phase, a foundress of the paper waspPolistes biglumis bimaculatus may be expelled by a conspecific female from her own nest (usurpation) or, less frequently, joined by another female of the same species (late association). The behaviour of femalePolistes biglumis bimaculatus, when usurping a conspecific colony or joining another foundress, is compared with that of foundresses on non-usurped colonies. The most conspicous difference is the intense abdomen stroking behaviour the usurper performs over the comb surface on the first days after usurpation. As observed in otherPolistes species, once usurpers and joiners arrive on a strange nest they will destroy most of the immature brood of the previous nest owner. Although host workers are not aggressive towards the intruder females, reproductive success of usurpers and joiners is low compared with that of legitimate foundresses. The same behaviours observed on usurped colonies are found in the obligate social parasites ofPolistes. These behaviours are therefore discussed in the context of the evolution of intra- and inter-specific parasitism.
Keywords:Polistes  intraspecific nest usurpation  usurper behaviour  reproductive success  brood destruction
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