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Hox gene colinear expression in the avian medulla oblongata is correlated with pseudorhombomeric domains
Authors:Marín Faustino  Aroca Pilar  Puelles Luis
Affiliation:Department of Human Anatomy and Psychobiology, School of Medicine, University of Murcia, CIBER de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER), Instituto Universitario de Envejecimiento, E-30100 Murcia, Spain
Abstract:The medulla oblongata (or caudal hindbrain) is not overtly segmented, since it lacks observable interrhombomeric boundaries. However, quail-chick fate maps showed that it is formed by 5 pseudorhombomeres (r7-r11) which were empirically found to be delimited consistently at planes crossing through adjacent somites (Cambronero and Puelles, 2000). We aimed to reexamine the possible segmentation or rostrocaudal regionalisation of this brain region attending to molecular criteria. To this end, we studied the expression of Hox genes from groups 3 to 7 correlative to the differentiating nuclei of the medulla oblongata. Our results show that these genes are differentially expressed in the mature medulla oblongata, displaying instances of typical antero-posterior (3′ to 5′) Hox colinearity. The different sensory and motor columns, as well as the reticular formation, appear rostrocaudally regionalised according to spaced steps in their Hox expression pattern. The anterior limits of the respective expression domains largely fit boundaries defined between the experimental pseudorhombomeres. Therefore the medulla oblongata shows a Hox-related rostrocaudal molecular regionalisation comparable to that found among rhombomeres, and numerically consistent with the pseudorhombomere list. This suggests that medullary pseudorhombomeres share some AP patterning mechanisms with the rhombomeres present in the rostral, overtly-segmented hindbrain, irrespective of variant boundary properties.
Keywords:6, abducens nucleus   6n, abducens nerve   8cn, cochlear nerve   9, glossopharyngeal dorsal motor nucleus   9n, glossopharyngeal nerve   10, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus   10n, vagus nerve   11, accessory nerve nucleus   12, hypoglossal nucleus   11, ambiguus nucleus   Amb, ambiguus nucleus   Ang, angular cochlear nucleus   dcn, dorsal column nuclei   Gi, gigantocellular nucleus   Gu, gustatory nucleus   IOD, inferior olivary nucleus, dorsal lamina   IOV, inferior olivary nucleus, ventral lamina   IRt, intermediate reticular nucleus   IZ, intermediate zone   LVeD, lateral vestibular nucleus, dorsal part   LVeV, lateral vestibular nucleus, ventral part   MCC, magnocellular cochlear nucleus   mlf, medial longitudinal fasciculus   MSO, medial superior olivary nucleus   MVe, medial vesticbular nucleus   PCRt, parvicellar storm   Pe, periventricllar stratum   PMn, paramedian reticular nucleus   Pn, pontine nuclei   Pr, prepositus nucleus   r, rhombomere   RF, retrofacial nucleus   RO, raphe obscurus   RPa, raphe pallidus   Rt, reticular formation   RVL, rostroventrolateral reticular nucleus   Sol, nucleus   sol, solitary tract   Sp5C, spinal trigminal nucleus, caudal part   SP5I, spinal trigminal nucleus   SpVe, spinal vestibular nucleus   vc, ventral column of the spinal cord   VH, ventral horn of spinal cord   xc, cochlear decussation   xsol, decussation of the solitary tract   xv, vestibular commissure
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