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Molecular identity,morphology and taxonomy of the Rhynchospio glutaea complex with a key to Rhynchospio species (Annelida,Spionidae)
Authors:Vasily I. Radashevsky  Tatyana V. Neretina  Victoria V. Pankova  Alexander B. Tzetlin  Jin-Woo Choi
Affiliation:1. A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 17 Palchevsky Street, Vladivostok 690059, Russia;2. Far Eastern Federal University, 8 Sukhanov Street, Vladivostok 690950, Russiaradashevsky@gmail.com;4. White Sea Biological Station, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia;5. South Sea Research Institute, Korea Institute of Ocean Science &6. Technology, Geoje 656-830, Republic of Korea
Abstract:Rhynchospio glutaea (Ehlers, 1897 Ehlers, E. 1897. Polychaeten. Ergebnisse der Hamburger Magalhaensischen Sammelreise 1892/93. L. Friederichsen & Co., Hamburg, Germany. [Google Scholar]), Rhynchospio arenincola Hartman, 1936 Hartman, O. 1936. New species of Spionidae (Annelida Polychaeta) from the coast of California. University of California Publications in Zoology 41, 4552. [Google Scholar] and Rhynchospio arenincola asiatica Chlebovitsch, 1959 Chlebovitsch, V.V. 1959. Species of Polychaeta worms from the Kurile Islands, which are new or recorded for the first time in the USSR fauna. Zoologichesky Zhurnal 38, 167181. [Google Scholar], originally described from Strait of Magellan, California, and South Kurile Islands respectively, appear similar to each other in adult morphology. These species and subspecies have been considered by some authors as subjective synonyms and are here referred to as members of the R. glutaea complex. Sequence data of four gene fragments (2465 bp in total) of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA, nuclear 18S and 28S rDNA, and Histone 3 have shown that R. glutaea complex individuals from the South West Atlantic (Argentina), North East Pacific (British Columbia and Oregon) and North West Pacific (South Korea) were genetically distant and not conspecific. These data also indicate that R. arenincola from North America and R. aff. asiatica from South Korea are more closely related to each other, and both are closer to R. glutaea from South America than to R. nhatrangi from Vietnam: nhatrangi (glutaea (arenincola-aff. asiatica)). Adults of the R. glutaea complex are hermaphrodites and the arrangement of gametes is suggested to be a crucial reproductive character for distinguishing these species. Based on this character, two species of the complex are apparent in the North West Pacific: R. asiatica Chlebovitsch, 1959 Chlebovitsch, V.V. 1959. Species of Polychaeta worms from the Kurile Islands, which are new or recorded for the first time in the USSR fauna. Zoologichesky Zhurnal 38, 167181. [Google Scholar] stat. nov. from the Kurile Islands (not analysed here) and an unnamed species from the mainland coast of Asia (here referred to as R. aff. asiatica). Adult morphology of R. asiatica stat. nov. is briefly described and illustrated. The lectotype and the type locality of the species on Iturup Is. are established for the first time. An identification key is provided to the 10 currently recognized Rhynchospio species.
Keywords:hermaphroditism  identification key  molecular analysis  polychaetes  sibling species
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