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Seasonal changes in photosynthesis and nitrogen allocation in leaves of different ages in evergreen understory shrub Daphniphyllum humile
Authors:Shin-Ichiro Katahata  Masaaki Naramoto  Yoshitaka Kakubari  Yuzuru Mukai
Affiliation:(1) Department of Environment Science, Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu University, Yanagido 1-1, Gifu 401-1193, Japan;(2) Department of Forest Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University, Ohya 836, Shizuoka 422-8529, Japan
Abstract:Seasonal changes in photosynthetic capacity, leaf nitrogen (N) content, leaf chlorophyll (Chl) content and leaf N allocation patterns in leaves of different ages in the evergreen understory shrub, Daphniphyllum humile Maxim, growing at a forest border and an understory site were studied. In current-year leaves at the understory site, the N and Rubisco contents increased from spring to autumn although their light-saturated photosynthetic rate at 22°C (P max22) remained stable, indicating that their mesophyll conductance rates declined as they completed their development and/or that they invested increasing amounts of their resources in photosynthetic enzymes during this period. In contrast, seasonal changes in P max22 in current-year leaves at the forest border site were correlated with changes in Rubisco content. In 1-year old leaves at the understory site, P max22 and contents of Chl, leaf N, and Rubisco remained stable from spring to autumn, while these parameters decreased in 1-year-old forest border leaves, indicating that N may have been remobilized from shaded 1-year-old leaves to sunlit current-year leaves. When leaves senesced at the forest border site the Rubisco content decreased more rapidly than that of light-harvesting proteins such as LHCII, suggesting that N remobilization from Rubisco may be more efficient, possibly because Rubisco has greater N costs and is soluble, whereas the light-harvesting proteins are membrane components.
Keywords:Leaf age  Nitrogen allocation  Photosynthetic acclimation  Rubisco  Seasonal change
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