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Sols et structures d’habitat du Paléolithique supérieur, nouvelles données depuis les Cantabres : la Galerie Inférieure de La Garma (Cantabrie, Espagne)
Authors:Roberto Ontañón
Institution:Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria, Universidad de Cantabria. Edificio Interfacultativo, Avda. de los Castros, s/n. 39005 Santander, España
Abstract:A brief review is done of the history of the research on Upper Paleolithic floors and structures, with a general outline of the main substantive and theoretical-methodological aspects. On the resulting “state of the art” we present the preliminary results of the study of the occupation evidences from the Lower Gallery of La Garma. In essence, it constitutes an astonishing ensemble of extensive Middle Magdalenian occupation floors, exceptionally rich and quite well preserved, including several structures and associated with rock art paintings and carvings of that period. The potential of the site is superlative, and the research’s project already begins to offer some interesting results of which this article is a fairly small advance.
Keywords:Palé  olithique supé  rieur  Magdalé  nien  Sols d&rsquo  habitat  Structures d&rsquo  habitat  Art palé  olithique  Cantabrie
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