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A Method for Separating Cuticular and Stomatal Components of Gas Exchange by Amphistomatous Leaves: II. EXPERIMENTAL SOLUTION
Abstract:The apparent cuticular component of transpiration of stomatabearing leaf epidermis was estimated by restricting stomataldiffusion by mass flow of air in the opposite direction. Thiswas achieved by applying an air pressure gradient across theamphistomatous leaf. Some assumptions of the previously suggestedmethod (Santrucek and Slav?k, 1990) were experimentally verifiedusing maize leaves. The technique makes possible a quantitativeestimation of cuticular water loss including that of the externalperistomatal (i.e. vapour not passing through the pores) andthe respective conductance when the stomata are partially open. In addition to the fact that the cuticular portion of the totalleaf vapour loss (i.e. relative cuticular transpiration) dependson stomatal opening, even the absolute value of apparent cuticulartranspiration was (1) increased by lower vapour pressure deficitand (2) decreased with closing stomata. These changes, inducedby variations in a vapour pressure deficit of 2.45?0.35 kPa,ranged between 0.66?0.14µg cm –2 s–1. Theabsolute value of apparent cuticular transpiration changed onaverage by a factor of 2.3 due to stomata opening or closingwhich was induced by turning the light on or by exogenous ABAapplication. Possible interference by residual vapour diffusingthrough the stomatal pore was evaluated by the model application.An attempt was also made to assess the cuticular component ofCO2-uptake rate. Experimental results are discussed in contextwith the feedforward response of stomata to air humidity. Key words: Cuticular transpiration, cuticular CO2-uptake, feedforward response, maize
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