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The use of a simple haematoxylin and eosin staining procedure to demonstrate micronuclei within rodent bone marrow
Authors:S Pascoe  D Gatehouse
Abstract:In the pharmaceutical industry, the majority of drug-safety evaluation studies are carried out preferentially in the rat. Consequently, drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion profiles are available for this species. Such data usually have to be generated independently in the mouse, to allow validation of any micronucleus tests carried out in this species. Unfortunately, at the present time, the rat is not ideal for use in the micronucleus test due to the presence of large numbers of contaminating mast cell granules. Such granules are stained blue by the most commonly accepted staining procedure (May-Grunwald-Giemsa), and can be erroneously scored as micronuclei when they overlay erythrocytes. A simple haematoxylin and eosin staining procedure was evaluated in the micronucleus test using rats and mice. With this procedure, micronuclei stained blue-black and were readily distinguishable from cell inclusions resembling micronuclei such as mast cell granules, which remained unstained. Essentially similar quantitative data for micronucleus incidence and erythrocyte distribution were obtained in mice using this staining technique when compared to the use of the more established May-Grunwald-Giemsa staining procedure. However, unlike the use of the May-Grunwald-Giemsa procedure, the use of the haematoxylin and eosin stains allowed the accurate estimation of micronucleus incidence within the marrows of treated rats in the presence of contaminating mast-cell granules. Furthermore, unlike alternative procedures using fluorescent stains, the haematoxylin and eosin stained preparations are stable, constitute a permanent record of the experiment, and can be analysed at the convenience of the investigator. Therefore, this staining procedure may offer a useful alternative, for example, when evaluating rat bone-marrow smears within which considerable mast cell contamination can occur.
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