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Cl−HCO3 exchange in rat renal basolateral membrane vesicles
Authors:Steven M Grassl   Peter D Holohan  Charles R Ross
Abstract:Pathways for HCO3 transport across the basolateral membrane were investigated using membrane vesicles isolated from rat renal cortex. The presence of Cl---HCO3 exchange was assessed directly by 36Cl tracer flux measurements and indirectly by determinants of acridine orange absorbance changes. Under 10% CO2/90% N2 the imposition of an outwardly directed HCO3 concentration gradient (pHo 6/pHi 7.5) stimulated Cl uptake compared to Cl uptake under 100% N2 in the presence of a pH gradient alone. Mediated exchange of Cl for HCO3 was suggested by the HCO3 gradient-induced concentrative accumulation of intravesicular Cl. Maneuvers designed to offset the development of ion-gradient-induced diffusion potentials had no significant effect on the magnitude of HCO3 gradient-driven Cl uptake further suggesting chemical as opposed to electrical Cl−HCO3 exchange coupling. Although basolateral membrane vesicle Cl uptake was observed to be voltage sensitive, the DIDS insensitivity of the Cl conductive pathway served to distinguish this mode of Cl translocation from HCO3 gradient-driven Cl uptake. No evidence for cotransport was obtained. As determined by acridine orange absorbance measurements in the presence of an imposed pH gradient (pHo 7.5/pHi 6), a HCO3 dependent increase in the rate of intravesicular alkalinization was observed in response to an outwardly directed Cl concentration gradient. The basolateral membrane vesicle origin of the observed Cl−HCO3 exchange activity was verified by experiments performed with purified brush-border membrane vesicles. In contrast to our previous observations of the effect of Cl on HCO3 gradient-driven Na+ uptake suggesting a basolateral membrane Na+−HCO3 for Cl exchange mechanism, no effect of Na+ on Cl−HCO3 exchange was observed in the present study.
Keywords:Chloride bicarbonate ion exchange   Bicarbonate ion transport   Kidney tubule   Basolateral membrane vesicle   (Rat kidney)
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