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Polychaetes of the mangrove-fouling community at the Colombian Archipelago of San Andres and Old Providence,Western Caribbean
Authors:Londoño-Mesa  Mario  Polanía  Jaime  Vélez  Imelda
Affiliation:(1) Departamento de Ecología Acuática, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur-ECOSUR, Apartado Postal 424, Chetumal, QR 77000, Mexico;(2) Carretera Circunvalar de San Luis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede San Andrés, Sector Free Town #52–44, San Andrés Isla, Colombia;(3) Departamento de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, Calle 67 5# 3-108 Of, 233, Medellín, Colombia
Abstract:This study records the polychaetes found on the submerged roots of Rhizophora mangl on San Andres and Providence Islands, ColombianCaribbean. Sampling was done in 1998 during the rainy (July) and dry(November) seasons; each season, 17 roots were collected in threedifferent stations with different kinds of human impact, two in San Andresand one in Providence. At the same time temperature, salinity anddissolved oxygen were measured in situ. Aromatic hydrocarbons weremeasured in the laboratory. The polychaetes were removed from the rootsand identified. The available root area for the organisms was alsomeasured.Five genera and 11 species were newly recorded for the ColombianCaribbean. The most abundant families were Terebellidae in Old ProvidenceMc Bean Lagoon, Syllidae in Honda Bay and Nereididae in Hooker Bayon the San Andres Island. Thelepus `setosus' (Terebellidae) and Amblyosyllis sp. (Syllidae) were highly abundant in less polluted samplingstations such as Old Providence Mc Bean Lagoon and Honda Bay. On theother hand, Neanthes `succinea' (Nereididae) were abundant inHooker Bay which was the most polluted station. Salinity seemed to be the mostimportant parameter for the polychaete populations. The populations ofpolychaetes, as a total group, seemed to be related to the root areaavailable on both islands, independent of the season. However, during therainy season, the populations were independent of root area availability,while during the dry season, the populations were dependent on it.
Keywords:associated fauna  communities  mangrove roots  polychaeta  Western Caribbean
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