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Changes of algal biomass as carbon, cell number and volume, in bottles suspended in Lake Constance
Authors:Heaney, S.I.   Sommer, U.
Affiliation:1Freshwater Biological Association, The Ferry House Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 0LP, UK 2Limnological Institute of the University of Konstanz Mainaustrasse 212, D-7750 Konstanz, FRG
Abstract:Changes of algal biomass, as carbon, cell numbers and volumewere determined for phytoplankton of Lake Constance suspendedin situ in 2 l glass bottles. Phytoplankton placed at the 6%surface penetrating light level (photosynthetically availableradiation) were close to the compensation depth for growth estimatedas total particulate carbon and total cell volumes. Cell countsof individual alga] species however, showed appreciable growthof diatoms offset by the decline of flagellates. Bottles suspendedat two shallower depths in a separate experiment showed somegrowth of all species and indicated a vertical niche separationof growth of Rhodomonas minuta Skuja and R. lens Dascher andRuttner in accordance with their vertical distribution. *This paper is the result of a study made at the Group for AquaticPrimary Productivity (GAP) First International Workshop heldat the Limnological Institute, University of Konstanz, in April1982.
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