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Magnitude-matching: the measurement of taste and smell
Authors:Marks, Lawrence E.   Stevens, Joseph C.   Bartoshuk, Linda M.   Gent, Janneane F.   Rifkin, Bathsheva   Stone, Veronica K.
Abstract:In the method of magnitude-matching, subjects try to judge intensitiesof sensations from two or more modalities on a single, commonscale. Using responses to one modality as a standard makes itpossible to compare subjects' suprathreshold perceptions onthe other, test modality. A series of ten experiments revealedthe following: (i) magnitude-matching ‘works’: withboth loudness of tones and lightness of grays as standards,tasters versus nontasters of 6-n-prophylthiouracil (PROP) (asdefined by a threshold criterion) show much greater responceto suprathreshold PROP and slightly greater response to surcose;(ii) though superior to rating-scale judgements of sensory intensitymade without reference to a second modality, magnitude-matchingis not, however, flawless: the cross-modality matching relationproduced by a set of magnitude-matches depends systematicallyon the contextual sets of stimulus levels presented for judgement;(iii) with taste as the standard, old versus young subjectsshowed only a 25% decrement in responce to the odor intensityof butanol when both groups recieved the same physical (concentration)levels, but a >50% decrement in responce when both groupsrecieved about the same perceptual levels; (iv) magnitude-matchesare much the same whether subjets make their judgements on abounded rating-scale or an open-ended magnitude-estimation scale:and (v) loudness, lightness and odor intensity serve about equallyin magnitude-matching with taste intensity.
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